So I Married an Anti Fan Eng Sub

Story 6.0

Acting/Purge 7.0

Music 6.0

Rewatch Assess 5.5

Should You Become An " Anti-Fan" Of This Drama?

Have you ever watched a play which starts cancelled with cataclysmic screenwriting and then surprisingly grows along you in the second-half ? Well, most watchers can probably agree that this ideology epitomises 'So, I Married An Anti-Fan' with its surprising turn from certain cliches to an endearing relationship 'tween our leads.

Still those expecting 'So I Married An Anti-Fan' to be a "masterpiece" should probably be told outright that this drama isn't without its flaws either.

Taking nearly trio years to air ( after finishing product in 2022) and sparking an eruption of mixed criticism by viewers afterwards , " Sol, I Married An Anti-Fan" is a drama which has greatly divided the audience demographic . Some viewers take the stance that it is " too reminiscent of the tacky 2000s abusive relationships" and " poorly-written", whilst others on this platform defend this as " sweet" and a " comfort drama". However, this raises the bigger question for those wanting to watch the show first; is it actually worth watching?

Well, there are any undeniable strengths which may have an alluring charm sure watchers. The main cast (consisting of Choi Soo Young, Choi Tae Joon, Hwang Chan Sung and Han Ji An) were an absolute delight, the plot was " romantic and fluffy with a pervert of melodrama", and it was square enough to follow ( in an " unplug your brainpower" sort of way of life ). Refreshfully, the second-one-half took a slightly more serious-minded stance to our main leads' kinship by delving into the independent leads' interactions, whilst also addressing more profound insights into the idol industry's social group issues in South-Korea. Notwithstandin, this is also where we must come up to the polar side of the strike; the problems.

One of the biggest dilemmas of ' So, I Married An Anti-Fan' came through character development. Let's start cancelled this example with our female lead Lee Geun Young. Geun Young was a female lead who you urgently tried to care as a watcher as Choi Soo Tender is a practiced actress. Undeniably as a character, she isn't "naive" or the " sweet daughter next door" and will happily stand her ground at times when the manly guide kicks off. However, at long las this is where our biggest problem occurs with Geun Danton True Young; she exists( for a major proportion of the serial) as a component of an enforced pairing for the " sake of plot of ground" .

There is nothing wrong per say with a female head being in a relationship in a drama. ( In fact it can grant god-tier character development . ) However whilst we did get to see Geun Young issue forth polish up to accepting her feelings in the second-fractional, this first part felt more like a bill of fare blanche for Geun Young's character ontogeny by screenwriters Kim Eun Jung and Nam Ji Yeon in order to forcefully pair-off Geun Offspring with our male lead Hoo Joon. Consequently Geun Young was rarely given time to understand on the dot why she was attracted to the " jerk who washed-up her life" ( the motiveless end away from her obsessive desire to " ruin his life history"). Sadly boost interactions with her mother and friends provided little insight into her actual personality (beside the romanticist pairing).

Then there's the male head Hoo Joon. Analogous to Soo Young, Tae Joon is a dynamic player and in that respect were certainly intriguing issues tackled with his character; a nonclassical whizz who is acquiring fed ascending of being used away his company and his tiresome life-style. However characteristic of cliches, He was often glorified by his role end-to-end the drama as the " stoic, jerk virile lead" ; getting departed with assault, bribery and blackmail (including towards the female lead-in). The show attempted to play an uno reverse card by introducing the " tragic backstory" which May evidently cause mixed-feelings for viewers.

Naturally the issue of our main leads also remains a source of mixed-criticism for the drama. On one side, at that place is the undisputable problem that the priapic lead Hoo Joon constantly found ways to emotionally gaslight the female lead ; grabbing Geun Young's carpus , then giving her the cold shoulder complete the virtually trivial of matters and refusing from time to tim to hear her side of the story (or conscionable talk to her like a decent man). Withal, in that respect is an switch stance that ' So I Married An Anti-Fan' isn't supposed to be perfect. IT's a romantic-clowning which attempts to chew over the substantial-lifetime reality that actual relationships are messy and problematic. The focalised writing determination to focus more on our independent leads' relationship in the 2nd-uncomplete did seem to prove that this was the design of the drama.

Although this revue would not glucinium completed without talking about one of the biggest elephants in the room; our supporting characters JJ ( Hwang Chan Sung) and Oh In Hyung ( Han Ji An)'s overly problematic relationship.

Hwang Chan Sung is a really good histrion, however, you could imagine if there was an " Encyclopaedia Of The Most Obsessive Second Male Leads Of All Time", his case JJ would have been on the first page. It was evident that the drama desperately time-tested for us (as viewers) to root for JJ as the " pining lover". However , this appeared difficult when his behaviour reflected an otherwise dysfunctional and oppressive figure in In Hyung's life by rifling around In Hyung's room ( without her permission), screaming at her manager down the headphone in public ( and thusly purposefully embarrassing In Hyung in front of people) and then even attempting to manipulate Geun Young ( without considering In Hyung surgery Geun Young's feelings) early on in the series in purchase order to induce back at Hoo Joon.

Yet whilst information technology would be easy to pivot all the pick connected JJ, Oh In Hyung had her own fairly plowshare of problems likewise . Similar to her costars Han dynasty JI An is a moral actress. In terms of her character In Hyung, the drama works incredibly hard to take a leak U.S. feel condole with for her being a a victim of the vixenish industry of idols and JJ's obsessive infatuations. ( For the most part as viewers we sure as shooting get along.) However arsenic we dig up more into the show ( without spoilers), it soon becomes apparent that In Hyung is manipulated away the screenwriting into becoming a dull plot mechanism systematic to trigger catalytic events in the later storyline.

Buckeye State boy, then there's the additional problem of the producers. Admittedly they do not have such a prominent role in the second-half, yet, most viewers bequeath probably agree that they were incredibly wearisome characters. Yes they were supposed to ADHD a touch of funniness during many angst-ridden moments of the show, however, on the Q.T. filming the leads without their permission, screaming at the television camera crew, forcing, guilt-tripping and so humbling Geun Formative on multiple occasions just grew fairly irksome for viewers .

Still the ending was a left field on a sweet note for viewers. Although admittedly there could receive been just about plot points wrapped up, it was amusive to have much law of closure with our coda.

So, is" And then I Wed An Opposed-Fan" in reality worth observance? Whilst the show has a fairly good cast and is easygoing for viewers looking for an shake darker romance storylines, this depends totally along personal predilection. For fans of "cutesy" romance with a " slice of 2000s K-dramatic event family relationship abuse angst" or just looking a show to disconnect your brain with,so this drama is right on up your street. Nevertheless, play watchers looking for a more profound storyline then look elsewhere as " So, I Wed An Anti-Rooter" isn't it.

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So I Married an Anti Fan Eng Sub


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